There's a physical toll:
Writer's Cramps used to mean cramping in your hand from holding a pen or pencil. Most writers don't use pens; they use computers, which results in neck, elbow, or shoulder … Continue reading >>
How much is too much?
As I was packing my large size suitcase for a five day flight to visit friends across the country, I noticed my husband had packed a duffel bag for himself. That's … Continue reading >>
Sleep Interruptus
A few months ago I took up an old habit with new regularity: Snoring. I snore so loud I wake myself up. That, or my husband nudges me so I roll over or fluff my pillow.
If he … Continue reading >>
I wrote a personal essay on the grueling experience of having my brother go missing, and later learning that he died by suicide. When my brother went missing, I learned that we have … Continue reading >>
Nature gifted us with a warm, sunny autumn afternoon. Not knowing how many more days we'll have before it gets cold, my husband and I went hiking in Stoney Creek Metropark. I paired my pictures with a … Continue reading >>
In Memory of a Cornball
My late father was great at telling corny jokes. And yes, I groaned, but I often laughed too, just because he was laughing so hard. Lousy jokes and laughter can be … Continue reading >>