I always wanted to write, but we were poor immigrants, and my parents made it clear, early and often, that our main goal here was to strike it rich. “We didn’t move to America for you to become … Continue reading >>
I’m a writer, and I write poems. I have always written, ever since I was a little girl and filled notebooks with possible titles for stories that I never wrote. I have written newspaper … Continue reading >>
What: What, Why, How: Gay Walley
I write novels, plays and have even written two films. This expansion of forms started in the last 6 years which keeps it moving, so to speak. It’s a way of … Continue reading >>
I write, draw and sing about being a loving person living in harmony with nature. Some of my books are fiction and some non-fiction (recipes and instructions for sustainable living); all are … Continue reading >>
My mother used to bring home old newspapers and Newsweek magazines after the white family she worked for threw them in the trash. I learned about the Civil Rights Movement from those old … Continue reading >>
I write. I started my first novel when I was 12. It was a roman a clef (although I certainly did not know what that term meant at the time) about a sleepaway summer camp. I had recently learned … Continue reading >>