I found a terrific blog post on query letters written by Lynn Price, the editorial director for Behler Publications. Lynn says if you can define your story as either plot driven or character driven it will help you write a strong query letter. Plot Driven novels: If your novel is plot driven, a query that defines the characters’ personalities or their emotions but is thin on plot is going to … [Read more...]
Sales Pitch- Query Letters
What You Need Upfront: A typical query letter starts out with a hook, which is followed by the most important information an agent wants to know upfront: genre and word count. The Pitch: The next two paragraphs are the pitch: what happens. The hard part is fitting this into two paragraphs at the most while leaving something for the agent to wonder about-- a little tease. (In mine, for example, … [Read more...]
Find an Agent without Losing Your Mind- The Query Process
Yes, I made a pact to query 100 agents before I would quit! In fact, I probably would have kept on going had I not gotten two offers of representation by the time I hit 83 queries. (see Query 100 Agents) How did I find all those agents? How did I keep track of my submissions and responses? Here's how: Extensive research first As of this date, there may be other resources, but when I was looking, … [Read more...]