If you like dark stories with flawed narrators who go to frightening extremes, Bad Marie, by Marcy Dermansky is for you. As a writer, I learned much from studying the main character, Marie.
After … Continue reading >>
In "Making a Literary Life," Carolyn See suggests a campaign of writing one letter of praise or appreciation to a writer every day. She envisions white envelopes crisscrossing in the sky like … Continue reading >>
One Electrifying Sentence:
A hook encapsulates a book in one electrifying sentence. It will grab the attention of agents, editors, publishers, bookstore managers and clerks, bloggers, journalists, … Continue reading >>
A Fabulous Plastic Hoopla:
In my novel, the narrator’s mother has a “fabulous plastic hoopla" where the saleslady extols the virtues of Tupperware to fawning women drinking vodka-spiked punch with a … Continue reading >>