Pretty Please...
Friends, if you've read Gordy and the Ghost Crab, my poetry book Sleepwalker, or my novel In the Context of Love, please hop over to Amazon and write a few words in a reader … Continue reading >>
Fiction to lean into, to absorb, to take your time reading
Author Bonnie Jo Campbell's newest novel, "The Waters," is not to be missed if you like dense, provocative fiction.
My review is … Continue reading >>
What's so *Bad* about Goodreads?
Personally, I don't have complaints about the Goodreads app (I suppose I don't use it that much), but many readers and authors do. Criticism ranges from poor … Continue reading >>
Cheri's recovery process
My friend and fellow poet has been working on acute anxiety and trauma recovery by painting colorful watercolor birds and boldly posting her work on Facebook. The images … Continue reading >>
It’s all about connections:
Faye Rapoport DesPres is a multi-genre writer whom I’ve long admired. We met in the early 2000s through the same small press that published her memoir, Message from a … Continue reading >>
Welcome fellow Detroit author, Lisa Peers, to my blog:
Lisa Peers and I met many years ago at a Detroit Working Writers Conference. I remember her sitting at the table in the conference room with … Continue reading >>