I write, draw and sing about being a loving person living in harmony with nature. Some of my books are fiction and some non-fiction (recipes and instructions for sustainable living); all are … Continue reading >>
My mother used to bring home old newspapers and Newsweek magazines after the white family she worked for threw them in the trash. I learned about the Civil Rights Movement from those old … Continue reading >>
I write. I started my first novel when I was 12. It was a roman a clef (although I certainly did not know what that term meant at the time) about a sleepaway summer camp. I had recently learned … Continue reading >>
Like many writers, I started as a child with poetry, mostly moody tomes about the shape of loneliness. In my late adolescence and twenties, I got involved with the New York poetry “scene” – … Continue reading >>
I create worlds! I write novels. I write scripts and short stories and essays. Everything to me is a story! I’ve always made up stories. A few years ago, one of my novels Into Thin Air was … Continue reading >>
I am a nonfiction advocate in a 200-year old entrenched tradition of poetry and fiction. Memoir, essays, humor essays, articles, book and movie reviews. I was told once I should write a … Continue reading >>