What do I do? Good question. My wife wants to know, too. She sees me at the computer for hours and hours, but it takes a long time for a book to be produced, so she’s certain I’ve got an online … Continue reading >>
I’ve always been a writer according to my mother. She said I lied to her a bunch when I was 6/7. After a great butt whoopin’, she ordered me to write my lie down and repeat it back to her.
My … Continue reading >>
I write fiction: three novels so far and short stories. I have written the occasional essay but mainly that isn’t what I do. My newest novel The Red Car recently came out in paperback. I am … Continue reading >>
For 21 years, I've been “Head of Everything” for MarciDiehl.com as a multi-media writer, editor and producer/consultant for the web, print, video, and social media. Before that, I married … Continue reading >>
I’m an artist who loves to draw, take photographs and create sculptures, and within each of those is a subcategory of different materials and processes that I use. I used to think that I … Continue reading >>
I’m a fiction writer and I’ve also written essays. And, like all writers, I do so many other things that, while writing is absolutely central to who I feel I am, it’s only a small part of who … Continue reading >>