I’m a businesswoman trapped inside a poet. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it. I’m a poet trapped inside a businesswoman. Or is it the other way around? Simply trapped. I’m two women in one … Continue reading >>
If you include those compulsory “Composition” exercises at school, I suppose I’ve been dabbling with writing for as long as I can remember: short stories, poems, articles, and the occasional … Continue reading >>
I live on the shoreline of Lake Superior. My first chapbook, In the Yellowed House was about an imaginary family living in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. In particular, it was about young … Continue reading >>
I write crime and horror fiction, mostly with a hardscrabble rural setting. My characters tend to be people who are damaged in some way even before I put them through the wringer, and my … Continue reading >>
A friend emailed me the other day to say she ordered 17 copies of my book to give as gifts. Seventeen!?! She wanted to know when she could stop by my house to get them signed. Please, I will … Continue reading >>
My very first piece of fiction was written in the 5th grade, entitled, "The Ugly Princess: Believe it or Not." It was inspired by all those fairy tales with beautiful princesses, but I worried … Continue reading >>