I write crime fiction. I think human beings are innately curious. We want to know what, why and how about everything. Mystery novels and crime fiction capture that part of human nature, and … Continue reading >>
It seems like I fall into the activities I do best, or maybe I should say do with the greatest affection. A few years ago, reflecting on the fact that my father, sister and son are all artists, … Continue reading >>
Time travel romance is the genre I not only enjoy writing the most, but it’s also my favorite genre to read. My fascination with time travel started at an early age. I was always the girl … Continue reading >>
I write mostly nonfiction. I’m a Leo, an only child and a Boomer, so therefore I think I’m endlessly interesting and need to tell you all about it. Most everything I’ve written is based on my … Continue reading >>
I am a poet and a scholar of American poetry, particularly focusing on a neglected group of early- to mid- twentieth century women poets who created an outpost of modernist poetic … Continue reading >>
I help guide individuals and businesses through the creation of a web presence - from website strategy to design and coding to training users how to use WordPress. I also mother two young boys … Continue reading >>