“I’m a writer.” Those words didn’t come easy to me. Friends would ask what I did for a living and I’d hem and haw and never give a clear answer. I was embarrassed to say I was a writer … Continue reading >>
Author and writer. I’ve written five novels, some speculative fiction and one literary. Before and during my publishing years, I’ve also been a freelance writer in the interactive niche, … Continue reading >>
Writing :: I write books, stage plays, one-and-two women performances, journals, and heaps of old-fashioned notes and letters.
Stitching :: I stitch the marks made by my … Continue reading >>
I am an artist who specializes in creating people and characters of all kinds from a unique combination of wood, wire, clay, and paint.
Since I enjoy reading and also people … Continue reading >>
I write poetry.
Because artistic expression is not a hobby. It is a compulsion, a need, a profound desire. Because it permits me a chance to be eloquent, and an … Continue reading >>