Hello, my name is Maryann, and I’m addicted to writing. It started when I was about ten years old and had just finished reading a charming book about Lassie written by Albert Payson Terhune. … Continue reading >>
I’ve always wanted to be a writer, but for the bulk of my adult life, I told stories through dance. Creating recital pieces and choreographing musicals required most of my creative … Continue reading >>
Years ago, when I first started writing for publication, I thought I wanted to be a novelist, a fictioneer, as one of my teachers, Chuck Kinder, used to say. My wife and I had a place on … Continue reading >>
I am one of the lucky children whose parents brought poetry into her life at an early age. The Silver Pennies poetry anthology was a constant companion, and by the time I was ten I was … Continue reading >>
In high school, I played basketball and had a cheerleader girlfriend. During practice one day, I was injured—calcium deposit, water-on-the-knee and a torn ligament, and the doctors put me in … Continue reading >>
I’ve been writing poetry since elementary school, and though I’ve tried to recall what prompted me to start, I honestly cannot remember. I wonder sometimes if it’s in my blood. My late … Continue reading >>