A few weeks ago I blogged about finding a blue notebook that I'd kept when I taught journaling at a women's shelter over twenty years ago. I wrote along with the women during writing … Continue reading >>
Pretty Please...
Friends, if you've read Gordy and the Ghost Crab, my poetry book Sleepwalker, or my novel In the Context of Love, please hop over to Amazon and write a few words in a reader … Continue reading >>
Shake it up:
Here I am in Tucson, Arizona, smiling hugely from way up high. I look giddy with happiness. Truthfully, I was giddy with fear. You can't see how hard I'm shaking. My entire being! With … Continue reading >>
A journaling exercise
When cleaning a deep, dark and very dusty closet recently, I found a little blue notebook that I wrote in when my friend Rebecca Vlasic and I conducted journaling workshops at … Continue reading >>
A Found Poem
Because the North Noderepresents the energywe, as a collective, are moving towardand creating more space for,this eclipse may feellike a forceful shovein the … Continue reading >>
Hang ups:
We end phone calls with the mere tap of a finger. When I was young, it was exciting to hang up on someone by slamming the receiver down. Slam your cell phone down and you might shatter … Continue reading >>