Notes from a novel writing workshop:
1. Writing is a practice. Do it every day.
2. Writing is failure and rejections. It can be a painful dig to find what glimmers.
3. Writing is endurance. It is a beloved commitment. It means saying, “Yes, I’m still writing.”
4. Writing is personal. You have questions you are trying to answer.
5. Writing is reading to become fluent.
6. Writing technique is practice.
7. Writings takes courage, especially when dealing with daunting subjects.
8. Writing is a journey that leads to yourself.
9. Writing is a contract with the reader.
10. Writing is finishing, and the strength to finish without perfection.

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Linda K. Sienkiewicz is a writer, poet, and artist
Books: In the Context of Love | Gordy and the Ghost Crab | Sleepwalker
New novel, Love and Other Incurable Ailments, coming fall 2026 from Regal House Publishing
Connect with Linda on social media: LinkTree