Our protector
See that round white object? It’s a welcome plaque from my late mother’s yard. I propped it up there against the back fence a few days ago and it completely freaked Clementine. She planted her little legs in the middle of the yard, the fur on her back standing straight up, and barked at the house so we would come outside and witness this disturbing alteration in the landscape.
I had to go outside and lay it flat on the ground so she could check it out.
She’s just keeping the family safe, ya’ll.
A lover too
Clementine often came with me to visit my mother when we moved Mom from Ohio to Michigan. Many residents at Sunrise Assisted Living got to know her. Mom adored her, and Clem seemed to sense Mom was pretty special, too.

A big part of our family
I never realized just how important Clementine is to me until she had minor surgery a few months ago though. The vet removed a small growth on her eye and extracted three broken teeth. This meant anesthesia and an all day stay at the vet’s. My worry became apparent when I picked her up from the vet in the evening and nearly wept with relief to have her back home.
Most recently she was attacked by a Labradoodle that charged from a house while we were walking along the sidewalk. During the attack, Clem slipped from her leash. Fortunately the owner ran outside and got his dog under control, but then Clem took off trotting down the sidewalk.
I knew better than to chase her. I walked after, gently calling her her. I won’t ever forget the trust in her eyes when she stopped, turned to see me, and then came to me so I could pick her up and carry her home. My heart leapt.
I made a police report and the other dog’s owner paid the vet bill for her injuries. The officer suggested I carry spray defense, which I now do. For a few days, Clementine didn’t want to venture past the front yard, but a friendly walk with a neighbor’s dog, aptly named Lucky, as her wing man, helped her recover from her fears.
I can’t believe she’s nine years old. A sweet, friendly, well-behaved dog, she keeps us active and happy. She is a source of great amusement and an endless stream of love. She’s my little heroine.
Thank you for visiting.
Linda K. Sienkiewicz is a writer, poet, and artist:
Multi-finalist award winning novel In the Context of Love
Picture book Gordy and the Ghost Crab
Latest poetry chapbook: Sleepwalker
Connect with Linda: LinkTree
What a sweet story, Linda. Have you thought of sending it out to someone? Hope all is well with you and Clemintine.
No, I hadn’t thought about it! great idea. Thank you, Kaye!
Thanks for sharing this lovely portrait of Clementine!
Happy birthday!