Pretty Please…
Friends, if you’ve read Gordy and the Ghost Crab, my poetry book Sleepwalker, or my novel In the Context of Love, please hop over to Amazon and write a few words in a reader review.
I’m not asking you just to feed my ego. Reviews mean EVERYTHING to the algorithm gods. Here is why:
The importance of reviews
Reader reviews keep books active in Amazon’s product recommendation algorithm. It works like this: Reviews create page activity. Page activity awakens the giant beast called Amazon, signifying interest in a book, and, in turn, tells the beast that it should recommend that book to more potential readers.
In a market where readers have so many choices, the importance of reader reviews cannot be overstated. Reviews are the underlying heartbeat of long-term book sales and visibility. Candid reviews written by readers like you have the power to transform browsers into buyers.
Nervous about what to write?
Don’t hesitate for fear that what you have to say might not be good enough. You don’t need to be scholarly. You don’t need to summarize the book. You don’t even need to explain the character, motivations or plot points. Why? You’re not writing a book report! One or two honest sentences about how the book made you feel or think will do.
For example (pick one):
- What impressed or didn’t impress you about the story?
- Was there something, some emotion or situation, that you could relate to?
- What is one takeaway you have from reading the book?
- What was your overall feeling when the book ended?
Afraid to commit?
Someone once told me they don’t review because they don’t want their name “out there on the internet.” Reviewers are not identifiable to the public or to the author. You can use any name you want when you write a review, or simply use Amazon Customer.
By the way, you can write a review for a book on Amazon even if you bought it elsewhere. I often say right in my review where I purchased the book, whether a reading or local bookstore.
How to add your review:
In case you’ve never written a review before, find the book on Amazon. Scroll down past Books You May Like, Editorial Reviews, Product Details, About the Author, Rate your Experience, etc. etc. to Customer Reviews. It will be on the left. Under the bar chart, click “Review this product.”

Make reviewing a habit and authors will love you
I try my darnedest to write something about every book I read. It’s the least I can do to support authors. Sometimes I’m inspired to write a lot, sometimes just a few sentences, but I really enjoy it.
I’ve also learned that when I include a picture of the book the review is typically posted in a day or two, rather than a few weeks.
Thank you for visiting.
Linda K. Sienkiewicz is a writer, poet, and artist:
Multi-finalist award winning novel In the Context of Love
Picture book Gordy and the Ghost Crab
Latest poetry chapbook: Sleepwalker
Buy Signed Books: In the Context of Love | Gordy and the Ghost Crab | Sleepwalker
Connect with Linda on social media: LinkTree