Describe a look of surprise:
I tried Chat GPT to help me rethink a cliché. I wanted to find a look of surprise that didn’t involve raised eyebrows or an open mouth.
Besides giving me a break from editing and making me laugh out loud, Chat GPT wasn’t helpful at all. Well, except to remind me that I’m a good writer and I know a bad cliché when I read it.
How it started:
Me: Help me describe a look of surprise.
Chat GPT:
To describe a look of surprise on someone, consider the emotions and physical reactions they might display. Here’s an example of how you might write it:
“Her eyes widened, and her eyebrows shot up, almost disappearing into her hairline. Her mouth fell open slightly, as though she couldn’t find the words to match her astonishment. A flicker of disbelief crossed her face before she froze, caught in the moment of surprise.”
Would you like this in a specific tone or context?
Other elements you can use include:
“His jaw dropped as if the words had stunned him into silence.”
“She blinked rapidly, her expression shifting from confusion to startled realization.”
“His breath hitched, and his eyes darted around as though searching for confirmation of what he’d just seen.”
“Her hands flew to her mouth, muffling a gasp of shock.”
And this is when it got a little crazy
These options were a stretch. I did not want wild exaggerations, such as “eyebrows almost disappearing into her hairline.” No dropped jaws or darting eyes either.
I was looking to describe a character’s surprised response to a joke, so I tweaked my question. Chat GPT interpreted my tweak literally, resulting in even more exaggerated descriptions.
Me: I am looking for more of a humorous look of surprise
Chat GPT:
For a humorous look of surprise, you can emphasize exaggerated or comical physical reactions. Here’s an example:
“His eyes bulged so wide it seemed like they might pop out of his head, and his mouth stretched into an O big enough to catch flies. He froze mid-bite, the sandwich in his hand hovering halfway to his mouth, like a cartoon character caught off guard.”
Other ideas:
“She did a double take so dramatic it looked like her neck might need a chiropractor afterward.”
“His eyebrows shot up so fast they practically hit his hairline, and his jaw dropped like he was auditioning for a fish impersonation.”
“Her face contorted into a mix of shock and disbelief, as though she’d just been told the moon was made of cheese—and she believed it for a second.”Let me know if you’d like more examples!
Getting specific
Well. Those were just horrible, not at all what I wanted. I gave it one more try after I reworded my ask.
Me: I mean what the person saw was humorous and that surprised them
Chat GPT:
Got it! Here’s an example of describing a look of surprise when someone sees something humorous:
“Her eyes widened, and a snort of laughter escaped before she could stop it. She clapped a hand over her mouth, her cheeks flushing as her gaze darted back to the ridiculous scene in front of her. For a moment, she looked caught between shock and uncontrollable giggles.”
Other examples:
“He froze mid-step, his eyes going wide and a grin tugging at his lips as he took in the absurd sight. A laugh bubbled up before he could even process what he was seeing.”
“Her eyebrows shot up, and she let out a surprised laugh, the kind that made her shoulders shake as she tried—and failed—to stifle it.”
“He blinked twice, his mouth twitching as if unsure whether to gasp or burst out laughing, before finally letting out a startled chuckle.”Would you like me to refine it further?
No Thank You
Chat GPT tried really hard, but I’m better off left to my own imagination. I think that’s the most important lesson for all of us. Use your brain, don’t you agree?

Thank you for visiting.
Linda K. Sienkiewicz is a writer, poet, and artist
Books: In the Context of Love | Gordy and the Ghost Crab | Sleepwalker
New novel, Love and Other Incurable Ailments, coming fall 2026 from Regal House Publishing
Connect with Linda on social media: LinkTree