I write literary fiction and non-fiction. All of my books have been fiction (two novels and a story collection), but I’ve written a great deal of creative non-fiction, especially memoir … Continue reading >>
I'm a writer and I have been for my entire
life. I create short stories, novels, poetry, and essays. No matter what I'm
writing, I tend to focus on social issues, often touching on … Continue reading >>
I have published poetry and essays, but at heart I am a fiction writer. My first story collection, Voices of the Lost and Found, is a group of gritty, unflinching, largely tragic stories told … Continue reading >>
I write both fiction and nonfiction. I’ve written stories since I was a young child to my stint as high school yearbook editor. In high school I wrote a fiction column for the school paper. … Continue reading >>
I write short fiction: short stories and flash fiction. The cut-off between flash fiction and short stories, it seems, is one thousand words, according to literary journals, and my pieces are … Continue reading >>
I write. I started my first novel when I was 12. It was a roman a clef (although I certainly did not know what that term meant at the time) about a sleepaway summer camp. I had recently learned … Continue reading >>