More than just books!
Ann Arbor’s fabulous book fest Kerrytown finally returns after three years! It’s in a new location at Washtenaw Community College, but it looks to be bigger, brighter, and … Continue reading >>
By Christine Rhein
I grow them every summer, keep the pictures
on my phone -- petals of brilliant yellow,
skies, royal blue -- nothing … Continue reading >>
Each poem in my chapbook, When Truth Comes Home to Roost, is meant to be a revelation, a slant of light shining through a window. The poems lean toward autobiography, capture experiences, … Continue reading >>
schema geometrica, my ninth full-collection, is a departure from my previous work in that it was conceived as a project book on two fronts.
For the longest time I wanted to write a book … Continue reading >>
In times of turmoil, writers can affect change with their words, stories and poems. They are a window into the greater truths of the world at large, beyond the minuscule limits of ourselves. Ten years … Continue reading >>
The Villanelle...
is a poem with strict rules! They are notoriously tricky to write because of their strict form and double refrain. This highly structured poem has nineteen lines that consist of … Continue reading >>