It’s all about connections:
Faye Rapoport DesPres is a multi-genre writer whom I’ve long admired. We met in the early 2000s through the same small press that published her memoir, Message from a Blue Jay, and my novel, In the Context of Love. Both of us have also published a children’s book (except Faye published an entire series!). We’ve had some of the same mentors, too, like the late Michael Steinberg. I invited her to talk about her newest release, a collection of inspiring stories.

Faye Rapoport DesPres
Soul to Soul: Tiny Stories of Hope and Resilience
You’ve published a memoir and children’s book series, and now a book of short stories Soul To Soul: Tiny Stories of Hope and Resilience, by Huntsville Independent Press. Tell us how you began writing short stories.
My road to short fiction has been full of twists and turns. I first wrote short stories as a teenager; I shared them with a friend who enjoyed being entertained by the stories. I also wrote a lot of childhood (and admittedly, childish) poems, as well as a few songs. When I started trying to be a “real writer” as an adult, I studied and wrote poetry. However, I was a journalist in my professional life, so when I applied to The Solstice MFA Program in Creative Writing, my writing samples were longer-form non-fiction. I was funneled into the creative nonfiction program, where I studied and wrote personal essays (resulting in the 2014 publication of my memoir-in-essays, Message From a Blue Jay).
Creative nonfiction is challenging and rewarding, but it takes a lot out of me psychologically and emotionally. After a number of my essays and the memoir were published, I took a break. I switched gears and wrote the Stray Cat Stories children’s books (which are still based on true stories). At the same time, I started playing withand enjoying fiction. Several of my short fiction stories were published, and one of them won third place in a mystery writing contest. I was hooked. These days, I often dabble in several genres at once.
Would you call these pieces microfiction?
Yes. The stories in Soul to Soul would be categorized as microfiction (though I’ve seen different definitions for exactly what that is). I think of microfiction as short, short stories – even shorter than most flash fiction, which tends to encompass stories of up to 1000 words. Some people might include microfiction in the category of flash fiction. Each story in Soul to Soul is exactly 100 words. The term for 100-word stories is “drabbles.”
Inspiration and surprises
What was your inspiration for these stories?
The stories are highly diverse in their characters and topics. Each tale is unique, with its inspiration being drawn from a moment, memory, imagining, idea, or observation. Sometimes at night an idea would come to me, and I’d jot it down on a piece of paper before falling asleep. At other times I would notice something in daily life that would prompt an idea for a tiny story. Overall, I’d say the overarching concepts that inspired me to write Soul to Soul are in the subtitle: hope and resilience.
Were there any personal surprises for you in putting together such a collection?
Learning that I have a talent for microfiction was a surprise. I didn’t know a lot about the genre before I started playing with it. To be honest, I’m not even sure I knew it existed. Working with such a limited number of words provides the chance to combine the (usual) brevity, imagery, and lyricism of poetry with fictional elements such as character, setting, and a story arc – even if the fictional elements are more implied than described. I was surprised at how much I simply enjoyed writing microfiction – it didn’t feel like a struggle. I think I also learned something about myself as a writer; I tend to do well with structure. That’s true about me outside of writing, too.
Artwork, inside and out
The cover is unique and beautiful. Who is the illustrator and how did you find them?
Anya Lauchlan is a European artist whom I connected with after “meeting” her husband on Twitter (yes, I still call it “Twitter”). We began to correspond, and I was introduced to Anya’s gorgeous artwork and illustrations. I always imagined Soul to Soul as an illustrated book, so when it was accepted for publication, I suggested the publisher ask Anya if she would illustrate it. When she agreed, I was thrilled beyond belief. Though Anya’s move from France to England during the production of the book limited her time in an actual studio, she somehow imagined the little scenes in my stories exactly as I pictured them, and produced wonderful illustrations. She was trained as a painter by one of Marc Chagall’s direct students, and it shows in her whimsical, imaginative, charming work. I have always loved Chagall’s paintings – in fact, my husband and I have a framed Chagall poster in our house. You can see more of Anya’s work at www.anyalauchlan.com. Soul to Soul simply wouldn’t be the beautiful book it is without her cover art and illustrations.
What a wonderful find! You’ve published with small presses before. Tell us about Huntsville Independent Press.
I don’t know why, but Twitter has ended up being the source of some of my most important connections in the writing world (sadly, that’s changing now as the platform is changing). One day, during the process of approaching agents and publishers about Soul to Soul, I noticed some tweets from a relatively new independent press out of Alabama. I liked what I read about stories and publishing in the tweets and also on the press’ website. There was real passion, a commitment to think outside the box when it came to finding ways to publish and market books, while making it a priority to treat authors fairly. I’ve continued to be impressed since HIP accepted my manuscript. The founder of the press, Joshua Adams, has put a tremendous amount of time, investment, and effort into Soul to Soul. I’m grateful for everything the press is doing. I hope the book is a big hit for them, even more than for myself.
What we need now
This seems like an especially important time for uplifting stories. What do you imagine people will take away from this collection?
I agree; even before the latest global events that are frankly frightening and challenging each of us in different ways, I felt it was timely to write and publish a book about overcoming obstacles and finding moments of hope and resilience in our daily lives. Some of the stories in Soul to Soul are simply light and entertaining or offer a fun surprise. Many of them, however, offer messages about persistence, caring for others, or the power of creativity.
I purposely wrote this book for a wide audience. Maybe you’re someone who has read War and Peace, or maybe you’ve spent a winter evening watching a Hallmark holiday movie. Or both. Why not? I’ve done both. We could all use a little lift sometimes – or a big lift, or a smile, or a moment of revelation or surprise. I just want readers to feel a little relief and to know that as they face the challenges in their own lives, there is hope, and they’re not alone.
* * * *
Soul To Soul: Tiny Stories of Hope and Resilience
SKU: 9798218269166
Order from Huntsville Independent Press
Faye Rapoport DesPres, award-winning journalist and author of five books, brings heart to home and light to life in this beautiful collection of short stories. Soul To Soul is a literary answer to the rough start of the 20’s and will undoubtedly endure as a beloved classic long into the future. Each tiny, unique story offers a glimpse into the life of another at the moment they discover something about the way of the world — or about themselves.
Illustrations by European artist Anya Lauchlan, who studied painting in the School of Paris tradition with M. Khazanov, a student of Marc Chagall, add a touch of magic to this very special book. A perfect holiday gift to be enjoyed and treasured for years to come.
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Linda K. Sienkiewicz is a writer, poet, and artist:
Multi-finalist award winning novel: In the Context of Love
Picture book: Gordy and the Ghost Crab
Poetry chapbook: Sleepwalker
Connect with Linda: LinkTree