I write steamy contemporary romance set in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. What does steamy mean? In my case, it means following one couple through the twists and turns of falling in love, including the juicy bedroom bits—not that my couples restrict themselves to bedrooms. Doug and Laurel found bliss in the woods; Elmer and Margot steamed up the cab of his ancient pickup; Clara and Nick had a naughty picnic in the back room of her bookshop; Danielle and Matteo made each other see stars while camping on the beach; Charlie and River found passion beneath a pool table while snowed in…
My romance heroines push back hard against family and societal expectationsthat would keep their lives small and narrow. And my heroes always support their big dreams. With the exception ofbookshop owner Clara, my heroines work in the arts: photographer, graphic artist, tattoo artist, website designer. If time and $$ were no object, I’d take all the art classes and run a dozen small businesses. But since I live in Reality-Land, I explore those interests via my fiction.
My stories have always included steamy kissing scenes, even the fanfic I wrote in elementary school. My first, as-yet-unpublished novels were cozy mysteries with strong romantic elements. Guess what cozy mystery fans don’t like, as a rule? Steamy smooching scenes. My muse was trying to tell me something, but I wasn’t listening.
One day, I found an article on how fun and lucrative writing erotica could be. I thought, why not? Never have I had so much fun with a writing project! My sexy little story about a widowed bookshop owner kept growing, though. Turns out it wanted to be a full-fledged romance novel. Now, mind you, my stories are not erotica—no dungeons, no whips and chains. The plot revolves around the growing relationship, not just the heroine’s sexual awakening. People are fascinating snarls of emotion, desire, history and hopes, and I try to capture that complexity in my stories.
Besides murder and kissing, I’ve also dabbled in short horror stories—less gory, more creepy. Think Edgar Allan Poe, not Freddy Krueger. But lately, with all the doom and gloom swirling through our lives, I need that guaranteed happily ever after. Romance is the literature of hope, and don’t we all need hope these days?
BICFOKTAM! That’s butt in chair, fingers on keyboard, typing away madly. I write every day—and by write, I mean all the writerly chores involved in producing a book, including formatting, promoting, continuing education, blabbing on lovely blogs like this one…Sometimes I get bogged down in writing-adjacent chores and have to remind myself that I write for the joy of it. Scribbling in my journal works out the kinks, then I’m back at the keyboard again, giggling, hooting, and talking to my characters.

Ever since her first kiss, Sadira Stone has been spinning steamy tales in her head. After leaving her teaching career in Germany, she finally tried her hand at writing one. Now she’s a happy citizen of Romancelandia, penning contemporary romance from her new home in Washington State, U.S.A. When not writing, which is seldom, she explores the Pacific Northwest with her charming husband, enjoys the local music scene, plays darts (pretty well), plays guitar (badly), and gobbles all the books.

March 15, 2021 is release day for Book 2 in Sadira’s Bangers Tavern Romance series: Opposites Attract. This series is set in a neighborhood bar in her hometown of Tacoma, Washington.
A mismatch sparks the hottest flames.
Blue-haired, buxom, and bodacious, cocktail server Rosie can’t lose her job at Bangers Tavern, where her work family adores her weirdness and supports her hunt for a tattoo apprenticeship. When too much New Year’s bubbly tumbles her into a sweet, shy coworker’s bed, he wants more. So does she, but how could such a mismatched couple ever last?
Strait-laced, soft-spoken, and skinny, barback and aspiring bar owner Eddie has been crushing on his curvy, tattooed coworker since forever. Her New Year’s surprise is a dream come true—until his grandmother walks in on them. Eddie begs Rosie to fake-date him to appease his old-fashioned family. Just a few weeks—what could happen? But the more time he spends with Rosie, the deeper he falls.
Their boss lays down the law: No relationship drama at work, or you’re fired. Rosie’s everything Eddie ever wanted—but to keep her, he’ll have to drop a terrifying truth bomb on his loving but stifling family.
Come back to Tacoma’s Bangers Tavern for a steamy opposites-attract romance that ignites in all the worst ways—and the best!
Purchase Opposites Attract on Amazon or Universal Book Link
Amazon Author Page
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Linda K. Sienkiewicz is a writer, poet, and artist.
Learn more about her award winning novel, In the Context of Love.
Learn more about her picture book, Gordy and the Ghost Crab.
Learn more about her poetry chapbook, Security