I write children’s books. Many of them are in rhyme, including the books in The Pout-Pout Fish series (illustrated by Dan Hanna), but I also write non-rhyming stories. My latest book is Catch a Kiss (illustrated by Kris Aro McLeod), which came out this spring.
I love the sounds that words make, and I also love the rhythms of rhyming stories. Writing for children gives me a chance to play with words, to experiment with rhythms, and to create fun, kid-friendly characters. It’s an enjoyable challenge.
Every story is different. Some are inspired by a word or a phrase, and then almost spontaneously grow up around that. Others originate in an idea or a notion, and then have to be nudged (or shoved) into existence. My writing process alternates between bursts of forward motion (pushing myself to start or revise or finish something) and periods of dormancy (letting a manuscript sit for a day or a week or five years or so).
In between writing projects, I’m always sure I’ve used up all my ideas and will Never Write Again. Happily, one of the joys of being a writer is getting to know other writers, and my friends in the world of writing always encourage me when I lose steam. We all look out for each other. I’ve also met amazing kids, families, teachers, librarians, booksellers, and more, and they inspire me to explore where my writing might take me next.
Words may have gotten me into writing, but what keeps me there? The people. Books build community. I’m grateful to be a part of it.
Linda K. Sienkiewicz is the author of the award-winning novel In the Context of Love, a story about one woman’s need to tell the truth without shame.
2016 Sarton Women’s Fiction Finalist
2016 Eric Hoffer Book Award Finalist
2016 Readers’ Favorite Finalist
2016 USA Book News Best Book Finalist
2015 Great Midwest Book Fest Honorable Mention.
“…at once a love story, a cautionary tale, and an inspirational journey.” ~ Bonnie Jo Campbell, author of National Book Award Finalist, American Salvage, and critically acclaimed Once Upon a River,and Mothers, Tell Your Daughters
“With tenderness, but without blinking, Linda K. Sienkiewicz turns her eye on the predator-prey savannah of the young and still somehow hopeful.” ~ Jacquelyn Mitchard, author of the #1 NY Times Bestseller, Deep End of the Ocean
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